Restoring Vibrant Physical Health

One of the greatest things I've learned from working with many thousands of people and supporting their healing journeys is that the physical BODY is both the last to show our symptoms, and also the last to recover and heal. In other words, I believe most trauma, disease and illnesses begin within our energetic bodies - our frequency, vibration, aura - then move into our emotions & minds - and then finally land in our bodies. The physical symptoms of disease are the ultimate and final result of imbalance & toxicity that originally began - often decades or lifetimes ago - within our energetic bodies.

I've witnessed - and personally experienced - the reverse is true, too. We heal along a similar journey; we can recover our energetic frequency & spiritual health quickly - feel absolutely stellar mentally and emotionally - and still feel physically exhausted & in pain. The body is the last to show the symptoms, and it is also the last to heal.

I know many of you resonate. Many of you are on very similar journeys. You're doing all the "right things" - taking the supplements, doing the lab work, keeping up with your responsibilities - yet wondering CAN I HEAL? WILL I HEAL? WILL THIS MYSTERY PAIN/FATIGUE EVER RESOLVE? And WHY IS THIS TAKING SO DAMN LONG?

I'm here to say yes you can, yes you will, and remind you that the BODY HEALS LAST. Trust, be patient, keep going and - above all - love yourself.

Over the last three years I’ve implemented a great many things in my quest to recover my own physical health after it collapsed epically in the summer of 2021. Due to the stress of navigating & ultimately losing my healing arts studios through the pandemic, the extreme emotional & financial toll that claimed, and - if I’m honest - a decade of unrelenting hustle, exhausting work hours and deep imbalance - took me down to my knees and left me in near-constant fibromyalgia pain, chronic fatigue and many days of creating, writing & working from bed. My physical health - a brightly burning & constant light all of my life - went down to a flicker.

I'm ever-grateful to nature and especially to my fungi friends for supporting my spirit & mind so immensely and allowing me to create & contribute over the last few years while my physical body healed, ever-so-slowly and with many ebbs & flows. And I'm so happy to report - with the elements I'll share with you today - that I'm now about 90% recovered and feeling physically stronger every week. I fully intend to close out 2024 feeling physically the ultimate best I have felt in my life — join me!

I’ve compiled a cheat sheet for you for the things that have been most meaningful & effective for my healing - trust me, if there is a supplement for it, I’ve tried it! - in the hope you will take a few that resonate with you.

1 - Energy underlies everything. Once I understood this - felt, trusted and knew this in an embodied way - everything shifted. All of our healing is predicated on us restoring our vibrant, personal and clear energetic signature. You can do all the medications, therapy and treatments in the world, but they will be ineffective if they are not sourced by your pure, clean energy. Keeping your personal energy clear & coherent with nature connection, earth medicines, qi gong, Reiki and movement practice is the foundation of brilliant health.

2 - Set & Hold the Vision every day that you already have vibrant, radiant health. So much of manifestation is placing ourselves into the state we hope to attain, and by holding that vision in the present we train our minds & bodies to ‘catch up.’ Let your spirit hold the consistent vision, felt sense and blueprint for your mind & body to entrain themselves to. Imagination is one of our greatest gifts & medicines.

3 - Sunlight is powerfully healing. We’ve been so conditioned to fear & hide from the sun, but our human cells are literally ‘solar-powered.’ Sunlight, Vitamin D and - especially - morning sunlight is vital to our health, energy production and maintaining balanced sleep & bio-rhythms. I am religious now about getting outside soon after sunrise & getting the morning rays on my eyes.

4 - Block artificial light whenever possible. Screens, fluorescent lights and television are extremely disruptive to our biology. Whenever I’m working at the computer, and especially after sundown - I block blue & artificial light with blue-blocking glasses by FilterOptix. I chose this company because I could get them in prescription & readers 😉 - mine are yellow lens Cedar in Silver Thyme frames. You can get 15% off any pair with the coupon code: MICRO

5 - Acupuncture & Bodywork. Weekly acupuncture is a game-changer, and along with my treatments I hold the vision that my body and all my tiny mitochondria are coming back online, being the little powerhouses I know they can be! Look around in your town and see if “community acupuncture” is offered - this group format is a great way to make acupuncture a regular & affordable part of your self-care. Regular bodywork, massage and somatic therapy are deeply healing & my favorite complement to earth medicine practice.

6 - Study the basics of Human Design. Learning - and living - my human design type has been profoundly healing for me. I learned how deeply I was living out of my alignment earlier in life, which contributed to burn-out, depletion and nervous system dysregulation. Being a Mental Projector (< 3% of the population) comes with incredible gifts of sight - deeply seeing the potential in people & guiding energy - but it requires a lot of solitude, a great deal of energetic & environmental discernment, and living very differently than societal norms. Get your design for free HERE.

7 - Plant yourself in Healthy Soil. For me, this meant moving across the country. Now, not everyone can do this, I know! But placing myself geographically in a softer, more yin, relaxed, expansive and energetically harmonious setting has been exceptionally healing and allowed me to further develop my spiritual connection in a remarkable way. When your soul feels safe, nourished, supported and free to ‘stretch out,’ your innate healer has a greater freedom to do its magic. Today I live on a barrier island on the Treasure Coast of Florida where my soul feels supported and magical serendipities happen near-daily; I feel more connected to my clients, my colleagues and my spirit guide than ever. The soil we plant ourselves in dictates our vibrancy & growth - how can you cultivate your environment in small & large ways to support you in thriving?

8 - Re-orienting Relationships. Formerly in life, I was doing my level best to run a “normal” business, where I had “customers” and “landlords,” “staff” and “employees” - I was trying to innovate & operate within the old transactional paradigms of hierarchical expectations, lop-sided entitlements, contrived bargains and myopic, short-term thinking. And boy was it depleting! Today, all of my relationships are based on reciprocal exchanges that feel more like partnerships than transactions. There is an even flow between the energy & presence I invest in my clients, colleagues & communities, and the appreciation, recognition and resources I receive in return. This is a sea-change from my prior life, and has allowed me the energy to continue to heal, immerse myself in my craft & - best of all - serve at higher and higher levels.

9 - Frequency Healing. Passive, receptive healing?? Yes, please! I’ve been using my Healy personal frequency device 3-4x each week while I study or write, and I love it (the GOLD programs are my fave.) Healy is based on cutting-edge science & frequency medicine that restores vibrancy and healing on a cellular level. Daily energy practices - Healy, Reiki, qi gong, being immersed in nature & the sea - have become welcome daily elements to my life and deeply supportive of my physical healing.

10 - Living Foods. This is one my spirit guide continuously & emphatically reminds me is crucial for the evolution of our species, spiritual development and energetic health of our bodies and auras. I place emphasis on consuming living foods - foods that contain a living signature & energy - knowing this contributes to my ability to heal, channel energy and connect with spirit. The more we can clear our bodies from toxins, synthetic chemicals, preservatives and faux franken-food, the more we ignite our innate healing. If you want to cleanse but find juices & pure veggie cleanses a little too extreme, I highly recommend Divya’s ayurvedic kitchari cleanses. Super yummy & ideal if you have a full schedule! Receive 15% off with the code: MICRO.

If you are living with a long-haul illness, auto-immune disorder, MS, Lyme or other chronic pain or physical condition, please know you CAN heal! It’s been so helpful for me to understand why my body was taking soooo long to “catch up with” my spirit, energy and mind, as well as discover the things - so many of them free & abundantly available thanks to nature - that have really moved the needle and helped me physically heal. I hope you’ll find a few that can help you, too - love & blessings on your healing journey!


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