The Potent Role of Environment in our Healing & Potential

The environment we cultivate around ourselves has a powerful role in our healing & human potential --- just as we create a clear & safe container around our microdosing programs, we can create a growth-promoting, healthy and vibrant environment within our daily lives. We're just beginning to understand the profound role of energetics in our health & well-being, and the resonance we surround ourselves with will largely dictate the expansiveness & experience of our lives.

ENVIRONMENT OF HOME: How can we set our homes up to optimize our energy & flow?? Join me this Tuesday with spiritual mentor & coach Catherine Andrews for a LIVE free Feng Shui demo on Instagram. Join us to learn how to arrange your home environment to support your healing & expansion! Follow me at ​@kaysegehret​ and join us Tuesday November 14th at 8AM PST/11AM EST.

GEOGRAPHY OF ENVIRONMENT: I recently moved across the country, and a major inspiration behind the move was to place myself in a more aligned 'frequency of place.' Different countries, cities, communities and places on the earth hold their own distinct vibration - you can feel it in the air, in the earth, in the animal & plant kingdoms. The more sensitive, open & empathic your nature, the more you will 'feel' and be impacted by the energetic imprint of place. Where on the planet is home for your soul?

PERSONAL ENVIRONMENT: Audit your circle. Monitor your inputs. Are you surrounding yourself with authentic, generous, positive & inspiring company? Are you steeping yourself in possibility, uplift, beauty and curiosity? When we live day in, day out with critical people, small-minded gossip, negative news, and heavy energy all around us it will affect our own physical, mental and emotional health over time. A goldfish grows to fit its bowl, and we are no different! You will transform exponentially when you place yourself in a nourishing, expansive environment where you are seen, supported and appreciated.

MENTAL ENVIRONMENT: What do you spend most of your time thinking about? Is your mind trained on creation, expansion, curiosity and learning? Or are you ruminating, judging, comparing or running loops & stories based on the past? I recently read & loved Gala Darling's book ​Magnetic Mindset​ - so inspiring & supportive in crafting daily mental discipline & cultivating a mental environment for freedom, joy and expansive possibility.

PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT: Our body is the home environment of our soul - how do we tend and care for it? Whenever I commit to eating a "living diet" of food made by the earth, I feel astronomically better, energetically vibrant, more clear and calm. The ease and safety we feel in our own skin greatly impacts everything we do, how we relate to the world, transmit & receive energy... living food = pure earth energy.

A vital part of the preparation process - for the journey of our lives - is cultivating environments where we can heal, become more whole and thrive in the full expression of our lives.


The Medicine of our Past is the Medicine for our Future: Sharing the Medicines


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