The Energetics of Healing

“Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. Matter is spirit reduced to point of visibility. There is no matter.” - Albert Einstein

Once people begin practice, it's very common for those around you to notice a perceptible shift in your energy, resonance and vibration. Have you ever walked into a space, a place or in the company of someone and instantly felt your body relax, exhaling into comfort and ease?? That's energy - resonance - vibration you're sensing with your instinct & intuition. If you watch babies, young children and animals, you can see the way they respond to energy - trusting & drawn to the energy of peace and moving away from the energy of fear. This level of sensitivity & heightened awareness is natural & innate to all of us, but hidden under layers and generations of cultural conditioning & the manmade artifice we've built between ourselves and the natural world.

We've been taught that healing is something outside of ourselves or a state to attain, when much of healing is about shedding , remembering, releasing as we move into a higher, lighter energetic resonance... Releasing old memories, wounds, traumas as well as fear-based narratives, dense emotional imprinting manifesting in physical tension & dis-ease, and ancestral patterns passed down through our lineage.

Our personal healing and collective evolutionary journey are inextricably, energetically wound together in this way - as we release the heavy energy of fear: scarcity, survival, suspicion and greed - we make way for the lighter resonance of peace: relatedness, co-creation, artistry, reciprocity, self-expression and grace.

Working with earth medicines can catalyze this shift... bringing things to the surface to be felt and released. We support our natural healing when we work with - not against - nature, coming together to move, sweat, sing, dance, laugh and cry… lightening up, mind, body & spirit.


No Regrets: Holding our Past, Stepping into our Future


Leading as a Stronger, Truer You.