Harnessing the Power of our Minds

As part of our microdosing & earth medicine practices, we invite people to 'get out of their heads' and into their bodies, hearts and spirits. In this modern moment, we tend to spend most of our time - and make most of our decisions - with our head running the show. The practice of re-connecting and bringing more presence & awareness to the rest of our human 'being' is expansive & healing.

However, our beautiful brains and gift of our human intellect, too, hold immense power for healing, transformation and manifestation... if we harness it for its greatest & highest potential.

Our mindset - where we place our attention - plays a crucial role in our collective evolution and powerful part in our ability to manifest our dreams. I loved this recent podcast by Michael Meade that spoke to this so beautifully. Earth medicine & spirit can open us up to a greater possibility, but it is up to us to step into expansion with mental discipline, discernment and care around how we harness and direct these amazing brains of ours. Here in the season of Virgo we can commit to nourishing & re-training our minds to match the lighter, higher frequency of our future.

Free Online Event: “Psychedelics, Sacred Medicines, Soul's Purpose & Business: Integrating Visionary Experiences into Heart-Centered Entrepreneurship.”

I'm very excited to participate in Beth Weinstein's virtual Summit! During this no-cost online event starting Tuesday September 19th, you’ll get access to over 40+ of the foremost experts in the field of sacred earth medicines and psychedelics. My talk is on "Sharing the Medicines: Incorporating Microdosing into your Coaching, Therapy, Healing Practices and Communities."

Register for your complimentary seat HERE

I look forward to seeing you there!


5 Fave Reasons 🍄


Notes from the Field: Microdosing in this Modern Moment